Features 2: Going back to our roots, Queen Idia.

Being Nigerian is our identity, with our culture as solid evidence to back it up. It is therefore necessary that we know who we are. To do that, we must understand where we are coming from. Our story is incomplete without our history. In the spirit of finding ourselves, we will travel to a powerful kingdom in Southern Nigeria and learn what we can about a particular heroine. This heroine is whom our prestigious hall was named after. She is Queen Idia, of the Benin Kingdom.
Queen Idia was born in the fifteenth century. She was married to Oba Ozolua and bore sons for him. When he died, a dispute arose as to would be king between Esigie and Arhuaran, his brother. Arhuaran revolted and formed an army against Esigie, his brother but Queen Idia would not have it. She raised an army and was victorious. Arhuaran was defeated.
Subsequently, Esigie became the 17th Oba of Benin. To show his appreciation, he instituted the title of queen mother (Iyoba) and conferred it upon his mother, Queen Idia. This implies that Queen Idia was the first queen mother of Benin. He also gave her a palace called Eguae-Iyoba (Palace of the queen mother).

Later on, the Igala people caused unrest as they wanted to take over Benin’s northern territories. Queen Idia led the army against the enemies and she was victorious. The victory was also made possible due to her wise counsel, magical powers and her knowledge of medicine.
Queen Idia was a brave and strong woman, a warrior queen. She remains one of the best known female soldiers of the Benin Kingdom. It’s too bad heroes don’t live forever; her tomb is located at Egua-Iy’oba, Uselu, Benin City.
icogana.org. History of Queen Idia