Features 1: Covid-19, A revolution in reality

The ravaging Covid 19 pandemic, raising a global (public) health concern has brought quite some implications on the world today. Interestingly, some people in less affected areas of the world still question the existence of this pandemic, as to whether it’s a myth or an existing reality. However, everyone seems to be a witness to the changes and effects the pandemic has brought along. Every aspect of normal everyday life, ranging from dressing to feeding to education and even events and social interaction has been influenced, thus welcoming the world to a new normal.
Here are some of the revolutions the Covid pandemic has effected in today’s world;
• Face masks/shields: Asides from the health practitioners who use face masks while performing surgery in the theatre, years before the advent of covid 19, masks were often associated or mostly seen on people who do menial jobs like cleaning, dusting, sweeping and scrubbing of toilets. They often put it on to prevent coming in contact with germs that can cause infections from the dirt they’re dealing with. Now, the mask has become a life-saving barrier today and it has been mandated for compulsory use in a public place, to curtail the spread of the Coronavirus.
Moreover, the use of a face mask is gradually becoming fashionable and a part of everyday outfits. Many people out there are seen wearing a mask to match the colour of their Ankara or any other type of clothing.
Also, even face shields that have long been associated with motorcyclists to prevent excess wind and dust from getting into their eyes have become more in use among people to curtail the spread of the virus. Some people don’t even feel safe until they use both the face mask and shield, all at a time.
• Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers: Many people do not like the sound of Alcohol. The sound of it often gives the impression that it belongs to a sect of irresponsible people. Now, the alcohol content in the hand sanitiser has become a lifesaver, in the sense that it is the major germ-killing agent in the solution. Most Public places like religious worship centres, schools, markets, hospitals and other places of work, will often ensure that everyone rubs some drops of sanitiser between their palms even after washing with soap, under running water. Many families also ensure they perform this ritual after returning home from any public place. It seems the use of hand sanitiser has now come to stay as a normal personal hygiene routine.
• Human Socialization: Previously, we’ve all been conversant with our mode of greeting and appreciating our loved ones through handshakes, hugs, pecks, and warm embrace. However, the pandemic has affected how we relate to others because of the idea of maintaining social distance. These days, people either cling their elbows or simply wave. Safety has now become a priority over public show of affection.
- Artificial Intelligence: Due to the reduction of human congregation and activities, technology is now playing a major role in solving the many challenges of humans and meeting their needs. Hence, many jobs and professions are fast becoming obsolete as machines and digital programs are now made to perform the roles of humans. For instance, while seeking information for a particular Institution and its operation, there is no longer a need for queuing to see a physical receptionist or waiting for a physical agent to receive your orders. Artificial intelligence is now in place to answer all your questions and means have been created to enable everyone to makes orders online. The implication of artificial intelligence today would mean a decade of seeing many tech enthusiasts emerge. A lot of job opportunities will be available for people who are adept at digital skills.
• Online learning: This is a mode of learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. Students no longer have to attend lectures or take assessments in a physical classroom. A lot of online learning platforms have been created in such a way that lectures and assessments are already recorded for students to access and learn at their own pace. Also, educative and professional conferences, webinars and seminars are now made to take place via online video platforms like Zoom, Google meet, Skype, e.t.c.
From the look of things, all living has now drifted from the physical world, into the virtual world. Interestingly, the newly found way of life has probably come to stay.