Queen Idia Press
2 min readAug 20, 2021


Dearest reader

Dearest reader,

New column alert. I want to start a project of writing to you weekly, hopefully I continue to the end of semester.

We will be talking about feminism, bad girl and good girl syndrome, how to be a bad bitch, choosing a path between being a slay queen, ashawo, rich aunty, achiever, or premium hoes, roommate issues, love, relationship, gist and life generally. All paths are valid and don't worry, there will be tips as we go along.

Dear reader, Are you a feminist? Don't answer those questions when on a date with men pls. Eat your food in peace and smile and say "well, it depends, I'm a cherry picker , " and switch the conversation.

For me, I'm a hard-core feminist but recently connected with my childhood sweetheart and wedding bells may ring, so the feminist in me is dying a slow death😂.

This is a must-read column if you want to unleash your girl power.

Till we meet again in the next edition and delve fully into gist.

I leave you with this quote to justify your good and bad behaviour; 😌

"Do what in your heart to be right, you will be criticized anyway, damned if you do, damned if you don't."

Yours Truly.

Lady Whistledown (Sincerely Anonymous)



Queen Idia Press

This is the official blog for Queen Idia Press Organisation 2021.